Friday, May 2, 2008

This is hard

I have trouble thinking of what to write. Mostly, I am just too tired and lazy to think of clever things. Yesterday, I had a terrible headache which I believe was caused by a combination of allergies and shifting barometric pressure. I finally had to stop working at the computer and just focus on trying to stop the pounding in my head.

I will say this though: for anyone who thinks teachers have it easy, that is simply not the case. There is a reason we have summer break. The students definitely need it-they are pulled in multiple directions and are expected to come into school at 7 am, pay attention all day in 90 minute long classes, participate, and learn the lessons...then, a great majority of them go to sports or other activities after school until 6 or later at night. And then they go home and grab a quick bite to eat, and do homework until 12 or 1 am. And then they wake up at 6 to do it all again. Being a high school student is hard, perhaps the hardest work you'll ever have to do. For the teachers, it's a matter of planning lessons, running those activities, attending endless meetings, and being available to help students who missed class or need extra help. For me, I am also a resource for teachers, so at any moment a teacher can call/visit me to tell me they need me to put together a lesson on primary sources from the Civil War for their 3 US History classes by next week, or less. I don't mean to complain, but I am just exhausted. I like the students and I like my school, and I feel very lucky to be here, but I just wanted to explain why my posts are lacking.

I do wish to keep updating this, and I have some ideas stewing in my head, but right now, I am just not in the mode to articulate them.

Perhaps when I have time over the summer I will elaborate more.


Jaime said...

totally agree that being a high school student is one of the hardest jobs - especially students who have part-time jobs working like 20 hours a week on top of it all. although i must say, i had more energy in high school (and i think a lot of people feel the same way about themselves).

Fresh said...

Hey ana, thanks for volunteering to read my blog, and join my thriving readership. I'm happy to pop over to yours now that I've seen it. Good to hear from you.

That's Not My Name said...

I started taking naps after school my senior year of high school, and ever since then, I go through a slump in energy around 2:30 pm. Having said that, I definitely need more sleep now than I did even 4-5 years ago. A sign of getting old, I suppose. :-(