Wednesday, May 21, 2008

American Idol

American Idol=teh suck


Man, I hate that show. I am glad I have Tivo, because this night's finale would have been an awful waste of 2 hours. Meanwhile, I zipped through the whole thing in 5 minutes, like I do all results episodes.

I am pleased about the results...but then again, it's not like I would actually buy any albums.

Modern music has left me feeling somewhat empty. I have not found a band that whose album I would buy in about 3 years. The last band was Interpol in 2005. However, their second album was a disappointment. I also liked The Strokes back in the day. Now, it seems like there is just a lot of trash floating around.

Which is why I prefer the music of the past. Honestly though, I haven't listened to things on my ipod in a very long time. I prefer NPR to drive to in the car because it informs me about things and is less distracting than a song. Maybe I'm just getting older and lamer. :-(

I never thought that would happen to me, as I have always considered myself a devout fan of music. I remember just listening to my Beatles cassette tape on my walkman (!!) for hours back when I was in high school....yeah, I was a little behind the times. But it was all I needed. I could listen to the same songs forever. And now, it's like, yeah I know all of that. I don't even need to listen to it anymore because it's a part of me. I can just play it in my head if need be. I always thought I would be a freakish Beatles fan forever, but I guess people change. I remember shunning all popular music from 7th grade through about junior year of college. Then I discovered some new music. But now, nothing. I don't even know if my desire to listen to music and do nothing else will come back. It's really quite sad.

However, one thing that has not changed is my complete and utter obsession with reading. I can't sit still without having something to read, whether it's an ad from the paper, a book, a magazine, whatever. I particularly enjoy eating and reading. (when I'm alone)

Reading is something that will always be fun for me. And for that, I am grateful!

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