Tuesday, April 29, 2008

TV Shows that I Like

1. The Simpsons-this show has influenced my youth more than any other show out there. It is much like the Indiana Jones Trilogy, in that my brother and I can basically talk to each other in Simpsons references. While I don't watch the new episodes anymore, I have the first 12 seasons on DVD. And I can name the plot of nearly every episode...along with quotes. I have often said that I could never date someone who wasn't a Simpsons fan. Yes, it's that important to me. Common cultural knowledge. Hehe. It's funny though, because most of my female friends aren't really that big into the Simpsons, which makes my trivial knowledge largely irrelevant. Oh well.
2. Seinfeld-A show about nothing that will remain timeless, precisely because it deals with the minutiae of daily life. I wasn't a regular watcher of the show when it was on, but I started watching it in syndication, and I did watch the last episode live. I didn't mind the ending, as I think it completely reflected the characters and their selfish motivations. I plan on buying all of these seasons on DVD. A fantastic show, and I'm glad it ended before it got too old.
3. The Sopranos-I got into this show in 2006. Jim and I spent a good part of the summer watching the first 6 seasons. It was well worth it. Then we watched the last season on HBO in real time. So it was a perfect way to end the series. An amazing story that ended with some nice ambiguity
4. Twin Peaks-A cult favorite-I have it on DVD, and haven't watched the whole thing yet. But I firmly believe that this show, which came out in 1992 or so, and was on for 2 seasons, is the precursor to every show that has large story arcs and multiple characters with complex motivations.....I'm referring to you, Lost, and you, Heroes. Twin peaks opened the door for those shows, and it deserves some respect. Plus, Kyle Machlachlan is in it, and I like him. I'll include Lost and Heroes in this slot as well, because I enjoy both of those shows. I am not a Lost freak however, since I only started watching it last year and haven't bothered to watch the previous seasons.
5. The Office-The only current comedy that I enjoy. I like the clever, offbeat nature of the episodes. However, I am getting a little annoyed by the Jim/Pam romance. I don't think the show can last much longer if it continues that theme. (I hate romances, did you know that?) I'd also like to add that I have watched all of the British version of The Office (2 seasons plus a special), and I think it is a much better show. It panders less to ratings than to making a realistic story. And the ending, while sad, was way more satisfying. Who knows how long the current US version of The Office will go on. It will probably just get lamer over time.
6. America's Next Top Model-My favorite reality tv show. I don't enjoy the cattiness, but I love the photo shoots. Granted, it does enforce negative stereotypes about beauty, but it motivates me to work out. And I can always use motivation. Seriously, I can.
7. Project Runway-I love fashion, and I love the clever designs they come up with. Plus, the judges amuse me.
8. Top Chef-I just started watching it this year, and I find it very entertaining, despite the fact that I get hungry every time I watch it! This year, it takes place in Chicago, which is fun. I always like Chicago themed shows.
9. American Idol-I love and hate it. I do not take it seriously at all. Unlike the other reality shows that I mentioned, I don't really care who wins. I think the theme nights are ridiculous, and the amount of advertising money spent and the shameless promotions are insane. It is a product of consumerism. I feel bad for people who care about it, but at the same time, I can't stop watching it, mostly because I enjoy when people mess up. I'm evil, I know. I never watch it live. Tivo helps me reduce the viewing time from 1 hour to about 35 minutes, so not too much of my time is wasted.
10. Sex and the City-I never watched this show when it was on the air, and I've only seen a handful of episodes, but I really like it. I like that the characters are different, and that they have different goals and expectations. While it does have that element of cheesy romance, it also has an element of realism that is absent from many "chick" shows. I am looking forward to the movie, and I plan on getting the series on DVD at some point.
11. House, M.D.-The only medical show that I like. Dr. House is evil, and hilarious. I don't make it a point to watch this show, but when I remember to tivo it, I enjoy it.

So there you have it! Luck 11!

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