Monday, August 18, 2008

Vegging Out

Well, this past summer I discovered that I am unhappy with my weight. No, I don't think I'm fat. However, I do not like the fact that I seem to keep expanding. I am about 10 pounds heavier than I was 3 years ago. I do not like this. I attribute it to my love of cheeseburgers. I have been very lazy this past year. I think part of it is because I started working and not getting enough sleep. I felt too tired to cook anything healthy, so I went to Portillo's and Culver's far more often than I should have. I didn't exercise for about 4 months. Instead, I napped for an hour and then ate a cheeseburger. Then Jim came and stayed with me for 5 weeks while he worked on a project for his job in Schaumburg. We ate out every night because his company paid for it. This was not good for healthy eating. Again, too many cheeseburgers and Italian beef.

Now, I am exercising about 4 times a week. I walk about 3 miles or about 45 minutes worth of exercise. I find that walking is a good workout when it's really hot out. I also do my Wii Fit for 30 minutes a day.
Anyway, I've decided that the best way to get to my healthy weight and maintain it is to cut out the meats all together. I have recently developed a love for goat cheese these past few weeks, and I have noticed that my meat consumption has greatly declined. So I'm going to try it. I don't know if I'll stick with it, but I think it will be an interesting experiment.!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Blog Name Change

I changed the name of my blog to better reflect what I talk about, which is nothing. Sort of Seinfeld-ian, don't you think? I wasn't sure if my items were of particular interest to anyone besides Jaime. Nothing in particular is a good summary of my musings. So that's why I changed it!
I have discovered that there is nothing to do except embrace my hair. It's just frustrating when I want to change it, and I can't. Stupid curls.
Oh well. I think I'll appreciate it more when I'm old and everyone is getting perms to try to fluffen up their limp, dry hair. I just wish I could have sleek wavy hair sometimes.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lazy Summer

Class is over for the summer! So now, I can truly be lazy for almost 3 weeks. What a fantastic summer this has been! Endlessly long. I almost want to go back to school, just so I can wear my new clothes and shoes!
That's all I feel like posting today. I think I'll take a nap!