Thursday, March 4, 2010

Did you ever notice?

That most people's blogs are terribly boring?
Some people think that they are SO INTERESTING and that everyone will want to read about how they cooked arugula in a cast iron pot with a little bit of sea salt and a touch of pepper and it turned out so perfectly nom nom nom.

The self absorption of bloggers is hilarious. People take themselves so seriously.

Maybe the problem is that most of these would-be 'writers' really aren't very good writers at all. They think they're being hilarious with their witticisms and clever photos, when in reality, they're just boring, bad writers.

Meh. Perhaps I am just profoundly misanthropic.
Or perhaps I just hate the cult of domesticity and the fact that people think they're somehow superior because they use organic vegetables and they painted their room in a particular shade of teal. I love cooking, but I don't spend a lot of time reading cooking blogs, unless they are by well known people like Mark Bittman. I like looking at housewares in IKEA, but whenever I see a blog about decorating, I am reminded of the classic scene from Old School, where the newly married couple is talking about all the exciting things they're going to do on a Saturday:

"Well, um, actually pretty nice little Saturday. We're uh, gonna go to Home Depot, yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, and Beyond I don't know. I don't know if we'll have enough time."

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