Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just So You Know...

American Idol is a sham. The whole thing, from the way they chose contestants, to how they are marketed, to how they win, and how their contract plays out.

Example: people try out for American Idol. You think that what they show you on TV is how it works? Nope. What happens is that you go in, sign up, get your number...and go into a room where 3-4 "producers" evaluate you. Most of the time, the producers dump the really good singers and chose only the absolute freakshows (people who you know will never make it) or the ones who are reasonably good but also reasonably marketable. Then, and only then, do those people get a chance to sing in front of Simon and the gang. Sometimes, I hear that they have to go through several rounds before making it to the big guys. So don't think that what the TV shows is in any way close to the truth. You are being manipulated from the start. All the slick productions-the sob stories, the stories of divorced parents, children, diseases, hardship. Those people were picked precisely for those reasons. American Idol is not about talent. It's about marketing.

Everything on American Idol, from the way it is introduced, to the inane, annoying, scream inducing blathering of Ryan Seacrest, to the order that the singers are presented on stage once they hit the final 12 or 10 or 13 or whatever is calculated to influence you and get you to buy things-to buy into the idea that these people are actually worth listening to, when in fact they are the most over produced, over marketed, manipulate saps ever. I feel sorry for them. Sorry for the fact that they weren't good enough to 'make it' through legitimate means. And sorry that their lives will be signed away into a restrictive contract that severely limits their abilities as singers and songwriters.

No, I won't be watching this show. Not now, not ever. This is the only post you will see from me on it.

Now of course, everything is a sham. I know that marketing makes people buy things. But to do it so blatantly and to lie about it, to deceive people into thinking that it is actually something more than a giant
I guess this is one of the reasons I don't really watch TV all that much. I haven't watched a regular show except for random throwaway stuff on the Food Network in almost a month, and I don't really miss it.

The reason I was motivated to write this was because I did, in fact, watch about 5 minutes of the show last night to see a former student from my school audition. He made it to Hollywood. Five minutes was enough for me.


Jaime said...

Marketing and advertising are, indeed, all that is evil in the world.

Who was the student?

That's Not My Name said...

Haha it is indeed, Ms. Advertising major.
The student was John Park. I might have to look him up on YouTube if he continues to progress.

Laura said...

wow! when i saw john park on their and that he was from glenview or northbrook, whichever... i was like huh! i wonder if he went to glenbrook north!