Friday, January 29, 2010

Did you know....

That Subway's 'meats' are all (lower quality) turkey-based substitutions?
Yes, even the 'ham' and the 'roast beef'.
Subway is one of those places that I have always disliked and felt strange about for some reason. Maybe it's the fact that all of their vegetables look oddly colored and wilted. Maybe it's the fact that the 'meat' just sits there in its plastic container and when they make your sandwich, they pull it out in its little pre-arranged cardboard box and stick it in the microwave. Even the 'toasted' subs. Toasted to me does not mean stick it in a microwave.
You never see them actually preparing the meat. I did a little digging into some websites and found that even the Subway employees don't know where the meat comes from. It just arrives.
I don't consider myself a healthy eater, in general. I love McDonald's breakfasts and of course I love cheeseburgers.
There is just something weird about Subway though. I feel like all of it is just...fake. And they do so much to promote their healthy image, but really, they are worse than almost all of the others!
This is why I have not actually eaten at a Subway in at least 2 years, possibly more. And I will never eat there again.


Jaime said...

WOW. creeped out.

Laura said...

i like subway. and since i only get turkey, i am not upset by the fact that it is made of turkey :) but yes i agree on the vegetables - i only do lettuce and pickles because i don't feel like you can mess that up really. but sometimes the tomatoes just look AWFUL. i think they advertise as healthy just because their sandwiches are lower in calories and lower in fat than other fast food options - but that is assuming, of course, you do not put cheese or fattening dressings on there. i could not believe it the day i was behind someone in line who got double cheese, mayo, and some other high fat sauce. in a foot long. seriously? so it can be better than other fast food options, but only if you make good choices.