Thursday, December 3, 2009


As Jaime has pointed out, I am a literalist.
I take things very literally. This is a trait I have had for a very long time. I believe it started when I was around 9 or 10. My brother was making fun of me and he pointed out that I have no common sense. Now, at that time it was true. I lived in my own little world-at that time, I used to pretend that I was a pioneer of the Laura Ingalls Wilder type. I like to think that I have developed a bit more common sense-I am not a complete idiot about paying bills or remembering to feed my cat and I can cook decently and manage day to day operations.
But, I have kept my sense of "literalness." I take things at face value. This doesn't mean that I am not skeptical, but I have a hard time understanding sarcasm or jokes, especially when they are written. If I see something that looks amiss, I will usually try to look it up, because I like statements to be backed up by facts. Only afterwards do I realize that the person making the statement was, in fact, joking. But I feel better because I have done the research!
This is just part of my nature as a librarian-I like to look things up!
I also like to argue. I don't know how this fits in, but I am comfortable enough with myself that I will not back down if someone is challenging me, especially on a topic that I know a lot about.
And I am glad I have my iphone, because I can easily look up facts during the middle of an argument.
Maybe that makes me annoying?
Oh, and I don't even need to discuss the nature of truth. I don't really believe in an objective truth. I don't believe in an objective morality either.
But I do like facts.
I don't know what the point of this post is anymore, except that yes, I embrace my literal nature.
I also like honesty and not playing games. I like telling people exactly what I think. And I like to think that I have the intelligence to back it up.
I used to think that I was a romantic sort of person, but I have realized that I really am not. I don't have grand illusions about what I expect a future partner would be like-in fact, if a guy started buying me presents all the time and writing eloquent poetry about me, I'd probably laugh and maybe wonder whether he was on the level. My greatest joys are sleeping, eating, and reading, in that order. So my ideal days, often spent with J, are like this-wake up quite late, around 11 or so. Eat a delicious breakfast. Sit on the couch and read for a while. Take a nap. Read a little more, perhaps walk outside. Eat a delicious dinner. Have some champagne. Have a little more champagne. Have some beer. Go out and dance. Come home. Sleep. And repeat the next day.


Jaime said...

Yes, that note is, indeed, completely unrelated.

And yes, you do, indeed, take EVERYTHING literally. Wait, what's a cookie again?

Laura said...

That is because you are a "S"! :)

Also, your ideal day sounds very much like my ideal day.

Is someone giving you a hard time? You sound somewhat annoyed or upset.