Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I have a confession to make!
This blog is not really about nothing in particular.....
it's actually about ME!

I think blogging is kind of a narcissistic behavior. You write because you want to share things about yourself-your opinions, thoughts, issues of importance. Some people want to gain popularity-as in followers and ad dollars. Other people write to display their brilliance and skill at writing. Still others write as a way to make their mark on their world: "I exist," they say, "Listen to me. I am here."
And still others do it because....well, I don't know why.

I was just thinking about this because I was reading a post written by J-Train about potential topics.
She likes to write to appeal to a wide variety of readers, and maybe capture a few new ones. I am an avid reader and I greatly enjoy her posts.
I just happened to realize that I don't really care if anyone reads this. I don't care that people know about my writing brilliance (although I do think I have a sort of flair-perhaps that is just my conceit) I just like to update sometimes. To keep a record of my thoughts....which are usually about nothing in particular, but it always comes back to me. :-)

1 comment:

Jaime said...

LOL. Love this post! You are always very honest and, of course, literal.