Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep....

I decided to put my last comment from my previous post into a new post. So now it is its own topic!

I absolutely love make up. I love getting dressed up. I love organizing my products on my sink-I love the colors of eye shadow, the glow of bronzers and blush, the softening nature of moisturizers, the POP of eye liner, the extension of mascara and the subtle hint of color that colored mascaras provide. I like high heels and expensive jeans. I would ideally like to dress in Dior and Tracy Reese. Someday, I will buy those Louboutin heels.
I guess this contrasts with the fact that I don't really do a lot of glamourous things that would merit such luxury. I don't see anything wrong with liking fashion. I like looking good.
And I guess I'm tired of people who say things like "oh, I never wear make up."At some point in life, I think it's ok to realize that a little bit of make up makes a world of difference in how people perceive you. What's wrong with taking pride in your appearance? I don't feel that I need makeup-actually, my skin is quite nice and even. I have nothing to hide. I just enjoy the process and the products.


Laura said...

Sorry, I am one of those people who says "I don't wear makeup" but actually it's not because of pride or anything, it's because I don't know how to wear it well, and I am often too lazy or too much in a rush to take the time to do it right. Although, in the last few months, and especially since my wedding, I have decided I am going to start trying more ... only because I look so exhausted all the time and don't feel professional as a result.

That's Not My Name said...

Heh, I don't think I was referring to you. But I know we've had this discussion in the time that has passed, so it's all good. :-)