Sunday, November 15, 2009


I finally started archiving my old blog in a Google Doc. I have finished July and August 2003 so far. It has been interesting reviewing what I wrote.

I am glad that it's still there.

I don't blog as much as I used to, as most of you know. Too many other social networks and all that. I also feel like I have finally reached a stable point-good job, good guy, place to live, etc. So I'm not really as interesting as I used to be.
That's a good thing though. I had fun back in the day, but I also had a lot of really depressing, terrible, no good, very bad times. I don't have regrets about it-in fact, I'm glad I had those times. The crazy times, as I like to call them. I feel like I came through ok and I am glad that I have reached a point where every day is no longer an emotional roller coaster.
I have reached a point where I can work on developing my interests, instead of developing my existence, if that makes sense. I read so much more than I used to-I pay attention to the news (well, NPR, I refuse to watch TV news). I have opinions about things-from literature to movies to TV to military policies.
Also my History degree allows me a really good perspective. It helps in work, but it also helps in life. I see nuances to things. I don't see the world in a linear way, as a system of cause and effect. I look for connections.
I am, I think, a lot more opinionated than I used to be. I used to feel fearful at expressing myself, but I think that I am a much stronger communicator. Perhaps this is the confidence that comes from getting older? Who knows. I know that things could change at any moment, but I have the mental strength to handle it. I still have a lot to look forward too as well!
What I do know is that I am happy that I am not 22 anymore. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And I hope it will make me sympathetic to my future offspring-Just need to keep things in perspective.

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