Thursday, February 11, 2010


Preface: I occasionally read a blog about consumer issues. They post articles about companies and their anti-consumer policies. They post about cars. They are sponsored by Consumer's Union.

I am interested in following the news about the recent Toyota recalls. I find it interesting because I am now a (happy) owner of a GM car. I thought that perhaps these recalls would cause a shift in attitudes about the supposed superiority of foreign-made cars, specifically Japanese brands such as Toyota and Honda.

Well, I am annoyed to say that, after reading an article about how the price of Toyotas are dropping because of the recalls, people on the article are commenting about how they're in the market for a new car and they can't wait to get a good deal on a Toyota. Because to them, a Toyota that might possibly accelerate and lead you off a cliff is better than a Chevy or a Ford.

I blame this on Consumer Reports. Let me just say, despite what they say, Consumer Reports is NOT unbiased, especially when it comes to cars. People spend way too much time reading the Car Issue as though it is the ultimate Truth in car buying. I don't believe them. I have been reading Consumer Reports car issues for the past few years, and I (and my parents, I might add) have noticed a trend: Consumer Reports ALWAYS rates foreign cars, especially Toyotas and Hondas at the top of their "good cars" lists. Conversely, GM cars are almost always at the bottom.
I am not sure why this is. If you read the reviews of the cars, focusing on the "Pluses" and "Minuses" section, you'll notice a great amount of subjectivity. For example, CR lists the Hummer H3 as having an "uncomfortable" ride. Well, based on whose opinions is it uncomfortable? My mom loves her H3. She has driven to Minnesota and back in it, with my dad. I have driven in it. A variety of family members have ridden in it. It is not uncomfortable, plainly stated. In fact, I think it's one of the most comfortable cars I have been in! So how are they rating this?? What standards do they use? They never say....

For my car, they list a major minus as the "finish" on the car. Seriously? That's a major flaw worth taking of several quality points?

So it seems like there might be an issue with the power steering in Camrys. On the radio today, the CR guy in charge of vehicle testing said something like "Well, when we tested it, we noticed that the steering was a bit loose." But yet, Toyota has gotten complaints about this issue. One woman said she lost control of the car and ran into a fence. Instead of presenting this as a negative, the CR guy spun it into something like "personal preference as to how loose you like your steering wheel." Really?
If that were a GM car, they would say something like "steering wheel is loose, may cause potential problems." And they would rate it "LOW."

I am so sick of everyone pandering to the Toyotas and defending them, even in the face of problems.

I just don't understand why opinions of American made cars are so low. It's not fair, and I think a lot of the reason why this is the case is because of Consumer Reports and their efforts to effectively destroy the US auto makers.


Laura said...

i know! brian is all like, toyota is amazing! and i don't see the big deal - in fact, both my sister and brian have have toyotas, and i don't like the way they feel when i drive them... not smooth. i actually got my mazda because back then it was different, and not many people on the road had them. that has changed especially in the last 5-6 years. for my next car i am probably getting a ford - never thought i'd get an american car, but ford has REALLY changed their image around and now has some of the best cars on the market!

That's Not My Name said...

I never noticed it till I got a GM car, and now I feel all defensive, haha. I liked my Camry fine, but I am just surprised at the amount of "Toyota defense" I am seeing.
I like Fords too! What kind are you considering?

Jaime said...

I have a Honda and I love it. I will echo the notion that everyone knows someone who loves a Honda. However, I cannot compare/contrast to other cars. Anyhow - it has always annoyed me that Toyota was thought to be the 'superior' of the two brands - I'm guess that won't be the case any more, or at least shouldn't be.