Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I haven't blogged in a long time because...

I've been too busy actually doing things! Yes, I admit, I blog when I'm bored.
And this summer, I have been super busy with my online Master's degree program. Quite frankly, when you are required to do 10-15 hours of work a week online, including readings, discussion postings, and projects, you are not going to want to blog for another hour or so "just for fun." I am not at work, so I don't have to be on the computer if I don't want to.
Aside from my program, I have been traveling all over the Midwest-the Ozarks in Missouri and jet-skiing, camping in Michigan, going to the beach in Chicago and visiting the Shedd aquarium (I haven't been there in over 10 years!)
Running a lot, hanging out with my Champaign friends and Jim, eating ice cream, and playing with my new Wii. So really, I'm just kinda sick of the whole blog scene and I have little interest in talking about my daily activities online. I don't think people want to read about them anyway. I am sure that I will continue updating this more regularly when school starts again, but for now, I am enjoying my vacation and using the computer as little as possible...except to look at cats (I'm thinking of getting another one), shop on ebay, and make various online purchases. teehee.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

I, for one, like to read about your daily activities. and I do believe people like to read about mine, haha.