Friday, September 25, 2009

Wow, I really am a unique snowflake

So I was reading this article "Why are Friends Reruns so Incredibly Painful?" and I was like "Right on!" Totally agree! Except, well, I never really watched the show when it was on. But that was ok, because I pretty much agreed with the fact that Friends doesn't hold up to the test of time, while Seinfeld is absolutely timeless and always funny. And Gilmore Girls, well, meh, I never watched that show either.

But anyway, I read through the comments. There were like, 300 of them. And almost every comment disagreed with the article.

It was creepy. People said things like, sorry I disagree. There were long threads of quotes from Friends. None of which I understood, and none of which I found funny.

People said it was their "comfort food."

I was happy to see this:
-Heh. I feel terribly smug with my always and forever hatred of Friends.

-Friends has not aged well because it was awful.

But it was the minority. So I guess I really am a whacko ....I have always found the show to be unfunny. I never identified with any of the characters. I thought the plotlines were ridiculous. The NYC that the show depicts does not exist. (this is something I learned later, though. Who knew that NYC wasn't made up of only reasonably well off white yuppies?) I was a prissy adolescent, and I found the idea of the Jennifer Aniston character having a baby out of wedlock to be insulting to my conservative sensibilities.

Actually, I admit that it still bothers me. I don't get the acceptance of having a baby with your boyfriend to be a positive trend. I am very tolerant, but there is something that bothers me about that. Whatever, I'll save the moralizing.

I just hate Friends, and I always will.
And I guess that makes me a unique and special snowflake because apparently the whole (English speaking, America centric) world seems to love that show.


Jaime said...

I find it funny that you hate friends. Not just dislike. But hate. Is it partially because everyone else loves it? I find myself hating things the masses love.

I found it funny. I enjoyed it. My favorite episode is the one with the betting. I do find the Rachel/Ross saga a bit unrealistic. I'll agree that their apartments/lifestyles are a bit much for their salaries. Regardless - I can't help but love it.

Actually, it's MISS Chinandler Bong!

Well, does anyone actually have the keeeys?

I'd prefer not to answer, I'm carrying a bit of winter weight.

I love Jacques Cousteau!

Better not do lunges!

Dude, I'm like in love with you and stuff.

I hope you enjoy.

That's Not My Name said...

HAHA you are ridiculous.

Actually, I am more indifferent than anything. I don't find the show funny. When it was on the air, I hated it. Now, it is barely on my radar. Except when I read random articles about it, and of course when you assault me with quotes. Hehehe.