Monday, September 22, 2008

Vegging Again!

To answer the comments-I don't know how long I plan to do the veg thing. I believe I answered some of those questions when I last spoke with Jaime, but here are my answers:
I don't think I want to be completely meat-free forever. I will probably include chicken, turkey, and fish at some point...when, I'm not sure. For now, I'll stick to the veggies until I get tired of it.
As far as animal by-products goes, I don't really pay that close attention. I eat eggs and dairy. If I know that something has lard in it, I will most likely avoid it. I think that's the greatest challenge-knowing whether something has animal products in it. I wouldn't eat soup flavored with bacon, but I might eat soup flavored with chicken stock or something like that. If something has been cooked with the meat, I will just take off the meat in a pinch. But in general, I am trying to avoid foods like those.
So that's my update!

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